



「Japanese na modus ang pagre-recruit ng mga Pinay para ibugaw umano sa Japan, arestado」と現地メディアが報じてる「ibugaw」とは「女衒」の意味。日本人がフィリピン女性を売ってたというイメージの悪い見出しになっている。



Philippine News Agency の記事では逮捕された日本人は23年間フィリピンに居て、直訳すると「人間の密輸」となるが、人身売買を行っていたという。日本へ帰国しようとしたフィリピン女性が入国管理局で書類・パスポートを不審に思われ、女性からこの事件が発覚した。



MANILA -- A Japanese national who has been in the Philippines for 23 years has been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for human smuggling.

Jiro Saito, 47, a.k.a "Saito San" and "Ken Suzuki", owner of travel agency Dexdan Travel Consultancy Services in Malate, Manila, was arrested by operatives of the NBI-International Airport Investigation Unit on Tuesday for facilitating the departure of a complainant through the use of a spurious marriage certificate.

Saito, who is married to a Filipina and is fluent in Filipino, said he had not known that the papers he furnished were forged.

Theresa Kyla Serafico, the complainant, said she was on her way back to Japan last July 22 when she was offloaded by the Bureau of Immigration after presenting her marriage certificate with one Atsushi Takahashi.

Authorities were alerted by the mismatch as to the complainant's age in her marriage certificate and passport.

She then admitted that the marriage contract was spurious and that it was Saito who facilitated the preparation and processing of the travel documents working with Takahashi, Angelica Hernandez and spouses Takashi and Nancy Sugano.

Saito gave her the marriage certificate along with a copy of Takahashi's passport to facilitate her stay in Japan where she was to work as an entertainer in a club.

The victim said she had previously worked in Japan in the same capacity in the club which had been then owned by the Sugano couple but is now run by Takahashi.

The club offers sexual services to customers.

Saito is facing charges for alleged violation of Republic Act No. 6955 (Mail Order Bride or Matching Filipino Woman for Marriage) and Republic Act 9208 or the Expanded Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012.

Takahashi, Hernandez and the Sugano couple remain at large. (PNA)

ソフィテル フィリピン プラザ マニラ  天皇陛下がご宿泊されました
ダイヤモンド ホテル フィリピン  安倍首相がAPEC2015で宿泊されました
パン パシフィック ホテル マニラ  日本人デスクあり筆者の定宿
ホテル エイチツーオー マニラ  部屋が水族館みたいに豪華、MOA近い
パール ガーデン ホテル  LAカフェ・KTVが近所、ホテル代を安く

海外旅行保険 クレジットカードのキャッシュレス治療を使う方法

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ フィリピン情報へ